So for today's blog, I was assigned to choose a short story that was not assigned and read a short story called "Marie," by Edward P. Jones. While I did enjoy the antics of an old woman slapping and stabbing youthful people, like a deranged vigilante. I have to post about a story of my choosing, and it is "Boys," by Rick Moody.
I randomly chose the short story "Boys," and to my surprise was actually really good. This is the opening to the story, "Boys enter the house, boys enter the house." This is basically how the whole story is written. Boys do this, boys do that, boys blah blah blah, surprisingly it works very well in this short story. Through out the story we're are given events on what the Boys are doing from little kids, then adolescence, and then adults. During these moments you begin to forget the simple dialog and repetition of the word Boys, and start to picture the events unfolding into a story.There were no dialog in the story because it was narrated, which worked. I would continue but I would be giving to much away. Trust me when I say this. This story was awesome! It kicks you in the heart and you won't even see it coming.
Deranged vigilantes aside, good job.